Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Marketing Essay - 2135 Words

Erin Lister s1125903 Business Studies 1 Henry Aitken 24th November 2011 Marketing a) With reference to the readings and your own literature research, outline and critically assess the idea of ‘sustainable marketing’. b) Provide an example of ‘sustainable’ marketing and justify your choice of organisation or brand with reference to their current marketing activities. Sustainability has been defined as ‘the consumption of goods and services that meet basic needs and quality of life without jeopardizing the needs of future generations’ (OECD, 2002). This may be interpreted in a number of ways, but mainly sustainability is all about restricting the amount of resources that are produced, but still making the most out of the†¦show more content†¦However, it is true that many consumers will be unaware of the amount of products that are in the market that they can purchase. Thanks to green marketing, many of these products are now becoming successful. Overall, green marketing is a great help in contributing to the success of sustainable marketing and it betters society as a whole as it only advertises environmentally friendly products which gives consumers more interest to purchase these products instead of a less environmentally friendly alternative. Social marketing is needed as well as green marketing in order for sustainable marketing to be successful, as green marketing is unable to target the individual and their behaviour. However, when green marketing strategies combine with social marketing, it can be made into an effective ‘pathway’ to encourage more sustainable marketing solutions (Peattie and Peattie, 2009: 260). Social marketing is described as ‘the systematic application of marketing concepts and techniques to achieve specific behavioural goals for a social or public good’ (French and Blair - Stevens, 2006: 4). It is all about reaching out to the individual and influencing their behaviour to better society as a whole, by changing health , social, or sustainable behaviour. Social marketing is similar to commerical marketing as it is also concerned with changing human behaviour. However, it focuses more on changing humanShow MoreRelatedmarketing essay2544 Words   |  11 PagesIllustrate with examples how companies demonstrate their customer orientation by reference to at least two elements of the marketing mix. BA(Hons) Business and Management Dr. Clair May Seminar group: I Marvin Taria (14474868) Word count: 1700 This essay will start to explore and define the meaning of customer orientation in depth. The marketing concept and the marketing mix will help discover after what it means to be a customer focused firm. 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